Saturday, April 21, 2012

So...why Villa?

Being a native Californian that grew up playing the typical American team sports (baseball, American football, and basketball). my interest in the Beautiful Game came on late in life.  In 2004-2005, I began to take an interest in my local Major League Soccer (MLS) side San Jose Earthquakes and went to a few games.  A couple of years later, I began following the major European leagues on television.  Understanding a season that involves league games, cup games, derbys, Champions League, Europa League, etc. was mind boggling at first.  Since so many Premiership games are now televised in the States and that it is known as the most popular league in the world - it only made sense to pick a Premiership team to support.

I am also a volunteer at a local East Bay pediatric palliative care facility called the George Mark Children's House.  I had heard about Acorn's Children's Hospice - which had facilities that George Mark Children's House was modeled after.  One day, while continuing to search for a team to follow in the Premiership, Acorns had just become Villa's charity partner (and shirt sponsor at that time).  I thought, "Was this the same "Acorns" that I knew about?"  Sure enough it was and my search for a Premiership team to support and follow ended.  It had to be Aston Villa.  I made sure that I would own each of the shirts that Villa had worn with Acorns as the shirt sponsor.

In 2009, I discovered the Aston Villa Lion's Club network.  At that time, there were no U.S.-based clubs in the west.  On a whim - I started AVFC California.  in the last 3 seasons, our membership has grown to 60+ (most based in either the Los Angeles area and San Francisco area).

It is amazing how in a short period of time, I have become a Villan.  I remember hearing people talk about  Villa being in their blood because of homeland, family, etc. tied to Birmingham.  I like to think that Villa is also in my blood.  The only difference is that it has taken me 50 years to discover it!


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